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Islamic Society of Southeastern Massachusetts
2 Cove Road, South Dartmouth, MA 02747
Press release
Open Mosque Day 2023, “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible”
Masjid Al Ehsan on 2 Cove Road South Dartmouth MA 02748 is pleased to announce the fourth annual Open Mosque Day on Sunday, May 21, 2023.
The public is invited to visit the mosque and meet Muslims from 2:00 to 5:00 pm. Like so many of us, activities were suspended during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are delighted to be able to open mosque doors to the public again. Sponsored by the Islamic Council of New England.
Open Mosque Day 2023 is an opportunity to ask Muslims questions directly about Islam and to see how prayers are held at the mosque. This Spring over 20 mosques and Islamic societies in Massachusetts, Connecticut and New Hampshire are opening their doors with the same theme. The public responded enthusiastically to the 2019 Open Mosque Day theme: “No Walls Between Us.” The theme in 2018 was “Open Hearts, Open Minds.”
This year’s theme “One Nation, Under God, Indivisible” is no accident since it comes from the United States Pledge of Allegiance, which all Americans, including Muslims, recite when becoming US citizens and at other official events. Muslims want the public to know Muslims residing here in the United States are dedicated to America and believe in the one and same God as other faiths. Now more than ever, we stand together, undivided, and ready to support our home communities in the US. Muslims invite all their neighbors to visit a mosque and see for themselves we can live as friends in one nation, under God, indivisible.
Contact: Martin Bentz, Outreach Coordinator, Islamic Society of
Southeastern Massachusetts ( / Masjid Al Ehsan 508-507-6772